About the author



Born in 1962, my first encounter with gliding came fairly late, at the age of 30, though, like many others, I had been fascinated by everything flying since very young. The reason for this delay has most likely been my love for sailing, which my Father introduced me to almost before I could walk, and to which I have totally devoted  my energy, to the point it has become my profession for longer than 30 years now.

The virus of flying was to burst out sooner or later, and that just happened at the right time in my life. An insatiable quest for knowledge and the ability to read in four languages led me to accumulate over the years a vast library of books on gliding published everywhere in the world, and at the same time made me realize  that, perhaps due to the small size of the Italian soaring community, very little material existed in my native language.

The publishing of my first true book, “Più lontano, più veloce”, is an attempt at filling this void with a collection of tips for the cross-country flight beginner, based on the huge international literature, but strongly supported by the personal experience which I have built up in several years of soaring and flight instruction.









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